Virtually every loan you apply will require bank statements. The are among the top 10 home loan documents. This is especially true if you are self-employed. In that case, you will need to give out at least two if not three months of statements for all accounts. Be keen on large deposits, and non-sufficient fund charges as these will tend to attract more attention.
Document verification is a process that must be undertaken. Unless you have got a valid ID, you will not be able to seal the deal. Your identification should also be fresh and not close to expiry.
If you are under someone’s employment, be ready to provide copies of your previous 2 years’ W2s.
These are one of the trickiest documents when it comes to underwriting a mortgage. At least two years returns will be necessary. You should have all the pages including any amendments, not forgetting the originals. The documents should be put in order well before you apply for the loan.
If you’ve filed for bankruptcy or going through a divorce, ensure that you have all copies of the relevant documents to make it easy going through the loan application.
In the event that you are having credit bruises or gaps in employment, letters of explanation (LOEs) will be needed and your loan officer can provide assistance in such a situation.
Having mortgage loans in the home? Then you must verify the debt, its status of payment and other loan details. If you’re renting, then please give out your landlord’s contacts as well as proof of rental payments for the last 24 months.
When buying a home, you won’t make much progress without a signed purchase and sales agreement. Be sure to include copies of all pages and addendum.
Any deposits made need to be documented fully. This includes copies of checks and receipts by the escrow holder.
Be prepared to submit your most recent pay stubs for the last month. If you are self-employed, have ready a year-to-date Profit and Loss statement.
Prepare these home loan documents and get them together early. Save all the hard copies and cloud backups, in case more evidence is required.